Our clients produce the world's energy, chemicals, and plastics while eliminating harmful emissions from the air, water, and soil. We help them operate in a cleaner, safer, and more economical way.
EMC Combustion is a trusted, registered member of the Southern African Gas Association (SAGA). All according to SANS 329:2008, SANS 10142:2021 edition 3, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993), which includes the design of industrial thermal processing, construction of reticulation pipelines up to 15 bar, installation, maintenance, commissioning, and recommissioning of combustion and fuel handling equipment for gas, biofuels, and liquid fuel systems as per SANS 329, 347, and 10142.
Therefore, gas suppliers recommend EMC Combustion to all new and existing clients for new installations, service calls, safety upgrades, and compliance certificates in all combustion and electric heating industries.
Some industries we serve include: